Compact Pre-Treatment Unity

Pre-Treatment Unity
Allows the separation of solids (tampering), separation of sands (disarray) and the separation of fats (degreasing). The solids are retained by the tamper, transported and cleaned to remove most of the existing organic substances. In the upper part of the tamper, compacting/dehydration of the filtered material happens to obtain a significant reduction of the volume before discharge to the container or plastic bag for that purpose. The liquid crossing the tamper comes in threw an area where sedimentation of existing sand happens, which is optimised by the introduction of air. An endless transporter ensures dehydration and final discharge to a container for that purpose. In the same area, again optimised by the introduction of air, flotation of exiting fats comes in place, where a specific device is in charge of dehydrating and discharge the fats into a container for that purpose. The whole process is totally automatic and commanded by a controller.

Septic Pits
Allows the separation of solids and sands coming from septic tanks. The solids are retained by the tamper and transported. In the upper part of the tamper, compacting/dehydration of the filtered material occurs to obtain a significant reduction of the volume before the discharge in the container or plastic bag for the purpose. The whole process is totally automatic and commanded by a controller.