Forced Flow Meters: Electromagnetic

Electromagnetic Sensor
The sensor consists in a non-magnetic tube with a non-conductive coating, measuring electrodes and electromagnetic field generating coils. The sensor makes use of Faradays law where an electro-conductive liquid crossing the lines of a magnetic force, generated by a magnetic field, produces an electromotive force (voltage). This voltage is captured by the electrodes and its linearly proportional to the liquids velocity.

Insertion Electromagnetic Sensor
The insertion velocity electromagnetic sensor makes use of Faradays law where an electro-conductive liquid crossing the lines of a magnetic force, generated by a magnetic field, produces an electromotive force (voltage). This voltage is captured by the electrodes and its linearly proportional to the liquids velocity. The number of sensors is variable, according to the conduct diameter to be measured. The sensor can be constituted by a single measuring point or by set mounted along the section.