We commercialize SCADA systems of diferent labels, with the possibility of including or not the systems integration services. Complementary to this, we dedevelop and market diverse modules for system integration of telemanagement;
Report module – Emission of pre-defined or configurable reports for the user, data treatment, statistics and presentation of performance parameters.
Graphic modules – Data display in diverse formats of tendency curves and tables.
Alarm modules – State alarms sent by e-mail or text message for cell phones. Acceptance of alarms or set-point configuration via tablet, smartphones and PCs.
SCADA cloud – Operating of the SCADA system within the cloud with remote acess via internet. Doesen´t require the acquisition of hardware, licenses and maintenance of these equipements, leaving this process in charge of Linha D’Água

Automação e HMI
We are distributors of programable automats and command console of diverse labels,
Although we perform telemanagement system integration, we can as well supply this type of products. Complementary to this, the costumer can choose, if desired, a personalized service associated with this products, such as tests and studys of compability, PLCs programming, console configuration, tests in plant and training. Consult us.