Linha D’Água’s origin as an Engineering company dates back to the year of 2000, after the integration of technical staff in its boards coming from other companies that operate within similar areas of activity. Linha D’Água is currently integrated in Grupo Martingala, a company that presents a wide range of solutions and services in financial activity in areas such as Industry, Infrastructure and Tertiary sector.
Backed by a highly qualified technical team, fully equipped with all the necessary resources, Linha D’Água conceives, installs and provides technical assistance to projects of Automation, SCADA and Telemanagement, Industrial Instrumentation, Remote Monitoring, Water and Waste Water Treatment and Electric Installations.
We operate in Portugal, Algeria, Angola, Turkey, Morocco and United Kingdom.
Following a business range expansion strategy to reach different markets, Linha D’Água owns 49% of the social capital of Omatech. Based in Algeria, Omatech is a company focused in projects such as Water and Waste Water Treatment Stations in “chave na mão” mode, Electrical Installations and Telemanagement. Linha D’Água is also the technological partner of Omatech in the concretization of projects in hand.
Política de Qualidade
Política Ambiental e Energética
Política de Combate à Corrupção e Suborno
Política de Gestão da Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Maintain our reference in the provided services by creating and adapting solutions to satisfy its costumers;
Match the challenges from the international markets;
Invest in technical formation and specialization of its employees to achieve continuous improvement in the provided services.
Permanent focus on costumer satisfaction;
Management efficiency;
Permanent technological update;
Development of an excellence culture trew out the whole organization, based in the principles of Quality Management;
Exert its activities based in etchical patterns and fullfiling of the legislation and the applicable standards;
Promote honesty and professionalism in internal human resources, recognizing and valuing individual and collective capabilities;
Activity orientated to obtain excellence;
Strong team spirit.
Linha D’Água employs a strategy leaned to customer satisfaction and in following the standards in place. To do so, it compromises to:
Accomplish costumer requisites, regulations and applicable policys, as well as other subscribed requisites;
Continuasly improve the effectiveness of its management system;
Support and develop projects that minimise activity impact and prevent pollution;
Develop influence and control mechanisms upon its employees and sub-hired personal to minimise activities significant impact, namely the consumption of resources;
Share Linha D’Água’s mission with all interested parties.